Lightning Protection Telecommunication Tower

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ITEM NAME: Lightning Prevention Telecom Tower
TYPE: Lightning Prevention Telecom Tower,lightning protection telecommunication tower, lightning protction mobile tower
SPECIFICATION: Wind Speed:Up to 250 km/h,Allowable deflection:0.5 ~1.0 degree @ operational speed
COATED: Hot dipped Galvanizied, paints coated
ITEM NO.: Lightning Protection Telecommunication Tower
+86-137 8084 9288
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Lightning Protection Telecommunication Tower

Telecom towers are the primary targets of lightning strikes and traditional lightning protection methods (lightning rods) do not provide a solution. Lightning rods are made to attract lightning on themselves and naturally to the tower.

When they “catch” the lightning strike, lightning current flows down to ground through tower body. Even with the best grounding system, all equipment on tower and inside nearby shelter gets damaged.

Why do you want to catch lightning?

Lightning must be kept away!

WT Power Lightning Prevention System

WT Power System is the ONLY lightning prevention solution which keeps lightning AWAY from metal structures such as telecom towers.WT Power Units dissipate the ground charges on tower and make the site “invisible” to lightning. Lightning acts as if the tower does not exist there and all equipment on tower and inside shelter remain safe.

No lightning strikes, no damage on equipment, no loss of service and no cost of lightning related maintanence and replacements.

WT Power Lightning Prevention System is a 100% successfull solution proven with high voltage tests and field tests.WT Power has been applied on hundreds of lightning prone tower worldwide and NONE of them has been hit by lightning for the past 10+ years!

WT Power System provides lightning prevention solution for Telecommunication Towers, Radio&TV Broadcast Towers, Tower Cranes, Antenna Towers, High Voltage Power Transmission Towers, CCTV Camera Masts and Wind Measurement Towers.